Dan Norman Photography 2023 Year In Review

We made it through 2023! Seems like this year flew by! What an incredible year of theatre and performances we had! I am really proud of the images that I captured this year. Every show and performance I photograph presents a new and fun challenge. I’v captured a quite a few shows by now and I still get those pre show jitters and nervous energy. Thanks to every company and performer who has shared with me these beautiful moments. I am honored to be able to capture these images from every single show!

Here is my collection of images from this years shows and events that I photographed. As always, I have too many favorite images from each show for this gallery  so I narrowed it down to just one from each show.

Enjoy and I can’t wait for next year!

2023 was a great year!  Here are some of the amazing companies I work for that you should check out in 2024!